Sussex Performance & Accountability Meeting - 17 May 2024 - Friday 17 May 2024, 1:00pm - Sussex PCC Webcasting

Sussex Performance & Accountability Meeting - 17 May 2024
Friday, 17th May 2024 at 1:00pm 









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  1. PCC Katy Bourne
  2. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  3. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  4. CEO Mark Streater
  5. PCC Katy Bourne
Share this agenda point
  1. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  2. PCC Katy Bourne
  3. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  4. PCC Katy Bourne
  5. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  6. PCC Katy Bourne
  7. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  8. PCC Katy Bourne
  9. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  10. CEO Mark Streater
  11. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  12. PCC Katy Bourne
  13. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  14. PCC Katy Bourne
Share this agenda point
  1. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  2. PCC Katy Bourne
  3. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  4. PCC Katy Bourne
  5. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  6. PCC Katy Bourne
  7. PCC Katy Bourne
  8. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  9. PCC Katy Bourne
  10. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  11. PCC Katy Bourne
  12. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  13. PCC Katy Bourne
  14. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  15. PCC Katy Bourne
  16. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  17. PCC Katy Bourne
  18. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  19. PCC Katy Bourne
  20. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  21. PCC Katy Bourne
  22. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  23. PCC Katy Bourne
  24. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  25. PCC Katy Bourne
  26. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  27. PCC Katy Bourne
  28. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  29. PCC Katy Bourne
  30. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  31. PCC Katy Bourne
Share this agenda point
  1. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  2. PCC Katy Bourne
  3. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  4. PCC Katy Bourne
  5. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  6. PCC Katy Bourne
  7. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  8. PCC Katy Bourne
  9. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  10. PCC Katy Bourne
  11. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  12. PCC Katy Bourne
  13. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  14. PCC Katy Bourne
  15. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  16. CEO Mark Streater
  17. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  18. PCC Katy Bourne
Share this agenda point
  1. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  2. PCC Katy Bourne
  3. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  4. PCC Katy Bourne
  5. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  6. PCC Katy Bourne
  7. Chief Constable Jo Shiner
  8. PCC Katy Bourne
Share this agenda point
  1. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  2. PCC Katy Bourne
  3. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  4. PCC Katy Bourne
  5. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  6. PCC Katy Bourne
  7. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  8. PCC Katy Bourne
  9. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  10. PCC Katy Bourne
  11. CEO Mark Streater
  12. PCC Katy Bourne
  13. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  14. PCC Katy Bourne
  15. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  16. PCC Katy Bourne
  17. Acting Chief Constable Dave McLaren
  18. PCC Katy Bourne
  19. Webcast Finished
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
Chief Executive
Office of the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner